We are pleased to announce the second midsummer bio-blitz on the weekend of 24-26th June. The programme includes leisurely nature walks, children’s activities and more specialist quests for specific creatures in Wanstead Park and on Wanstead Flats. All events are free. The itinerary is as follows (though please note that poor weather may force the cancellation of some activities):
21:00: Bat walk, led by Francis Castro, assisted by Mirza.
Meeting point: tea hut, Wanstead Park.
We will use bat-detectors to locate and identify feeding bats.
22:00-midnight: Moth-trapping in the grounds of The Temple, led by Graham Smith, Anthony Harbott and Tim Harris.
Meeting point: The Temple, Wanstead Park.
Light-traps will be used to attract a variety of these nocturnal insects.
10:30-12:30: Nature walk on Wanstead Flats, led by Tricia Moxey.
Meeting point: gazebo by Centre Rd car park
A leisurely walk to look at wildflowers, butterflies and Skylarks.
12:00-16:00: Fly Quest, led by Jeremy Richardson
Meeting point: gazebo by Centre Rd car park
People can join Jeremy as he searches for some of the unusual hoverflies and flies of Wanstead Flats.
14:00: Nature walk, led by Jackie Morrison and Gill James
Meeting point: Jubilee Pond car park
A gentle walk looking at grasses, wildflowers and insects.
05:00-07:30: Dawn Chorus walk, led by Nick Croft and James Heal
Meeting point: the tea hut in Wanstead Park
Join the Wanstead Birders as they search the Old Sewage Works, the banks of the River Roding and Wanstead Park for our breeding birds.
10:30-12:00: Nature walk in Wanstead Park, led by Tricia Moxey
Meeting point: gazebo by The Temple
A leisurely walk to look at wildflowers, trees and butterflies
11:00-12:30: Pond-dipping in Shoulder of Mutton Pond, led by Derek McEwan
Meeting point: gazebo by The Temple
The pond holds an astonishing variety of invertebrate life. Nets are provided but please bring wellingtons!
11:00-12:00: Gastropod quest, Old Sewage Works, led by Penny and Nick Evans.
Meeting point: gazebo by The Temple
A look at the variety and lifestyles of our snails and slugs.
13:00: children’s activities in Temple Garden, led by Gill James, Anita McCullough, Jane Cleall. Simple treasure/scavenger hunt, a nature table, mud painting, plus
drawing and painting found items with Anita McCullough
14:00-16:00: Nature walk with Ferndale Area Residents Association, led by Tim Harris
Meeting point: Ferndale Rd (Wanstead Flats end)
We will walk through Bush Wood, cross into Wanstead Park and pass Reservoir Wood and Shoulder of Mutton pond, before finishing at the tea hut, looking at wildflowers, trees, butterflies and birds along the route.
14:00-15:3: Pond-dipping in Shoulder of Mutton Pond, led by Derek McEwan
Meeting point: gazebo by The Temple
Another chance to look at the aquatic invertebrates of the lake with an expert tutor. Wellington essential!