On 31 July 2014, a Thursday evening, the group met at the Tea Hut at 20:30 for a Bat Walk in Wanstead Park. This was a little early, even damselflies were still about and the birds going to roost, but it was felt best to meet while it was still light rather than have people stumbling about in the dark. At about 21:00, there being no activity on Heronry Pond, the group of 29, aged between <1 and 70+, walked over to the dam at Perch Pond, bat detectors at the ready. A few minutes later a signal was received in the 20-25Khz range and shortly thereafter a Noctule was sighted about 50m up over the trees bordering Perch Pond, flying in front of the clouds that were lit by the waxing crescent moon. At about 21:30 things really began with the arrival of at least two Daubenton’s skimming the surface of Perch Pond in the moonlight, followed by the arrival of at least four Soprano Pipistrelles. At around 22:00 the Common Pipistrelles arrived and the group settled down on the dam to watch and listen to the show until at 22:30 when it was decided to call it a night and the group returned to the Tea Hut and hence home.
A really interesting and enjoyable way to spend an evening. Not only because of the bats but also just being quiet in Wanstead Park as it grew dark, with the clouds reddened by the moon after the sun had set gradually fading into the gloom. Hard to believe that Canary Warf is less than five miles away.
David Giddings