Wren Practical Work
Wren Practical Work
Broom Clearance in SSSI. We provide gloves and tools. Come dressed for the weather.
Broom Clearance in SSSI. We provide gloves and tools. Come dressed for the weather.
Clear brambles opposite Chalet Wood. We provide gloves and tools. Come dressed for the weather.
Work on old sewage works, exchange lands. We provide gloves and tools. Come dressed for the weather. If you have a rake please bring it.
Work on old sewage works/ exchange lands. We provide gloves and tools. Come dressed for the weather. If you have a rake please bring it.
Start the New Year with some good cheer. Bring Your own drink and some foood to share. Free to attend but please book via Eventbrite:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wren-group-new-year-social-and-mini-quiz-tickets-1050571265937?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Work on old sewage works/ exchange lands. We provide gloves and tools. Come dressed for the weather. If you have a rake please bring it.
Work on old sewage works/ exchange lands. We provide gloves and tools. Come dressed for the weather. If you have a rake please bring it.
We provide gloves and tools. Come dressed for the weather. If you have a rake please bring it.